Interview with Karim Farshidi, President and founder of Orient-Expo 2010

23 September 2010
Interview with Karim Farshidi, President and founder of Orient-Expo 2010

Q.: From November 12 - 21 November 2010, you will be organizing ORIENT-EXPO in Geneva. What is it ?

First of all, it will be a huge meeting place destined to welcome the cultural world and the business sector. It will take place within the framework of the "Automnales", and will make sure that East and West meets for an open, sane and productive dialogue.

Q: You are advocating for a multilateral meeting between East and West, what are your assets to attract actors from the cultural world as well as deciders from the business sector ?

In the famous context of the Geneva Autumn Fair, within 48,000 sq.metres where not less than 200,000 visitors will be expected over nine days, we believe that we can say that ORIENT-EXPO exhibitors, coming from Asia, Europe and Africa, will find, in one and unique location, all sort of new opportunities to multiply dialogues and exchanges between Easterners and Westerners, for the good promotion of their respective products and the conclusion of new partnerships ".

Q: Less than three months before this first edition of ORIENT-EXPO, what is your strategy and who are expected to be your
future exhibitors ?

The process is on its way. We have entered into negotiations with our future
exhibitors. By and large contacts are positive. This idea of the East meeting the West in Geneva is really
progressing within certain international organizations, chambers of commerce, Permanent Missions in Geneva, as well as Embassies in Berne and within the Swiss private sector. A special attention will be given to non-governmental organisations involved in the dialogue for peace and the settlement of conflicts ".

Q : In these times of crisis, numerous are those who are looking for new boosting strategies. Financial institutions, banks, service providers are all in search of new partnership opportunities. What place does ORIENT-EXPO give to that type of specialised customers?

ORIENT-EXPO has given itself an audacious ambition: the one to be in a very short time a real platform for dialogue and exchanges, where futur interlocutors, coming from the East and from the West, will be on the same road, the one of success towards the establishment of new partnerships. Financial institutions or commercial banks are welcomed. Idem for private investors, service providers, not to mention national tourist bureaus and chambers of commerce. They all have their place and their role on this unique platform ".

For further information please contact Mr Farshidi on email